
Important: Before you begin, make sure that your site is published and has a connected domain.

  1. Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the Custom Code tab in the Advanced section.

  3. Click + Add Custom Code at the top right.

  4. Go to your SiteBehaviour Organisation's page and click on the Settings button for your site.

  5. Go to the Tracking code tab.

  6. Click on Copy to copy the Tracking Code to your clipboard.

  7. Return to Wix and paste the SiteBehaviour Tracking Code in the custom code text field.

  8. Select the Add Code to Pages option, we recommend selecting All pages.

    • All pages: This adds the code to all of your site's pages, including any new pages that you create in the future. Choose whether to load the code only once per visit or on each page, your visitor opens.

    • Choose specific pages: Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant pages.

  9. Under the Place Code option, select Head.

  10. Click Apply to confirm the changes.

  11. After allowing a couple of minutes for the update, check SiteBehaviour's Dashboard for statistics. We recommend visiting your website to ensure that your initial activity is accurately reflected on the SiteBehaviour Dashboard.

Last updated